This piece of music by Johann Pachelbel [1653-1706] is from 1683 and belongs to a suite in E minor. The suite consists of the following pieces: Allemand, Courant, Saraband, Le Double and Gique.
Pictures of settings concerning the sound of the music in the video:
Musical pieces played with the IMPERFECT SAMPLES - EBONY CONCERT GRAND sound source:
Bach, Johann Sebastian : French Suite No. 2 in C minor, Air, BWV 813
Handel, George Frideric : Menuett in G minor, HWV 434
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel : Rondo Espressivo, H 245
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Two-part Invention No. 1, BWV 772
Krieger, Johann Philipp : Menuet in A minor
Purcell, Henry : Air in G major, Z641
Corelli, Arcangelo : Adagio in D minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian : French Suite No. 5 in G major, Gavotte, BWV 816
Handel, George Frideric : Passepied in A major, HWV 560
Handel, George Frideric : Passepied in C major, HWV 559
Bach, Johann Sebastian : French Suite No. 5 in G major, Sarabande, BWV 816
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Prelude No. 22, Bb minor, WTC Book 1, BWV 867
Pachelbel, Johann : Saraband (1) in E minor, T308
Miguez, Leopoldo : 12 Pecas Caracteristicas, No 6 (Devaneio)
Scriabin, Alexander : Op. 11, No. 2 (Prelude)
Pachelbel, Johann : Courant in E minor, T309
Pachelbel, Johann : Saraband (2) in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Sarabanda in G minor, T315
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Prelude No. 8, Eb minor, WTC Book 1, BWV 853
Kuhnau, Johann : Klavier-Übung, Teil I, Partie Nr. 2, Sarabante in D major
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Partita No. 2 in C minor, Allemande, BWV 826
Purcell, Henry : Minuet in A minor, Z649
Anonymous : Menuett in C major (Nannerl Notenbuch No. 3)
Pachulski, Henryk : Op. 22, No. 1 (Moment musical)
Chopin, Frédéric : Op. 28, No. 4 (Prelude)
Chopin, Frédéric : Op. 28, No. 6 (Prelude)
Purcell, Henry : Suite in G minor (Corant), Z661
Bach, Johann Sebastian : French Suite No. 4 in Eb major, Menuet, BWV 815
Bartók, Béla : For Children No. 11, Sz. 42
Telemann, Georg Philipp : Ouverture in A minor (Loure), TWV 32:12
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott, BWV 721
Kuhlau, Friedrich : Op. 55, No. 1, Sonatina in C major (Allegro)
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Wer nur den Lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 691
Bach, Johann Sebastian : French Suite No. 4 in Eb major, Allemande, BWV 815
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Partita No. 1 in Bb major, Menuet I, BWV 825
Satie, Erik : Sports et divertissements, 8. Le Yachting
Locke, Matthew : Melothesia, 1. Prelude
Satie, Erik : Nocturne No. 4
Bach, Johann Sebastian : Partita No. 1 in Bb major, Menuet II, BWV 825
Purcell, Henry : Suite in G major, Z660
Chopin, Frédéric : Op. 28, No. 2 (Prelude)
Satie, Erik : Gymnopédie No. 1
Every piece on this homepage with Johann PACHELBEL as the composer:
Pachelbel, Johann : Ciacona in F minor, T206
Pachelbel, Johann : Fugue in C major, T263
Pachelbel, Johann : Fugue in C major, T264
Pachelbel, Johann : Fugue in D major, T274
Pachelbel, Johann : Fugue in D minor, T276
Pachelbel, Johann : Gavott in C major, T301
Pachelbel, Johann : Courant in D major, T304
Pachelbel, Johann : Gavott in D major, T304
Pachelbel, Johann : Saraband in D major, T304
Pachelbel, Johann : Gavott in E major, T307
Pachelbel, Johann : Gyque in E major, T307
Pachelbel, Johann : Allemand in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Courant in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Gavott in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Saraband (1) in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Saraband (2) in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Gyque in E minor, T308
Pachelbel, Johann : Courant in E minor, T309
Pachelbel, Johann : Courant in F# minor, T312
Pachelbel, Johann : Gavott in F# minor, T312
Pachelbel, Johann : Saraband in F# minor, T312
Pachelbel, Johann : Gyque in F# minor, T312
Pachelbel, Johann : Courant in G minor, T315
Pachelbel, Johann : Sarabanda in G minor, T315
Pachelbel, Johann : Gavott in A major, T318
Johann Pachelbel : Courant in E minor, T309.
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